

      Grupa szczęśliwych osób



      W grudniu 2023 otrzymaliśmy grant w wysokości 10 000 Euro  na krótkoterminową mobilność naszych uczniów w regionie państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej. Wniosek ZSN1 został bardzo wysoko oceniony przez specjalistów, plasując się na 12 miejscu w skali 4 krajów Grupy Wyszechradzkiej w pilotażowej edycji mikrograntów „Generacja V4” . Naszym partnerem jest szkoła węgierska z siedzibą w Budapeszcie  Budapest II. Kerületi II. Rákóczi Ferenc Gimnázium

      W ramach współpracy uczniowie, pod kierunkiem Pani Beaty Sobel, Doroty Chromczak , Gabrieli Dob , w trakcie dwóch wizyt roboczych przygotują spektakle w języku angielskim, które zostaną zaprezentowane w ZS1w Tychach podczas XXI edycji konkursu teatralnego NASHMISHMASH w czerwcu 2024.

      In December 2023 our school was awarded a grant of €10,000 for short-term mobility of our students in the Visegrad Group countries region. ZSN1's application was very highly evaluated by experts, ranking 12th out of all  4 Visegrad countries in the pilot edition of the “Generation V4” microgrant . Our partner is a Hungarian school based in Budapest Budapest II. Kerületi II. Rákóczi Ferenc Gimnázium

      As part of this cooperation, the students, under the guidance of Ms Beata Sobel, Ms Dorota Chromczak , Ms Gabriela Dobo from Hungary , will prepare performances in English during two working visits, which will be presented at ZS1 in Tychy during the 21st edition of the theatre competition NASHMISHMASH in June 2024.


      Zespół Szkół Nr 1 im G.Morcinka w Tychach

      Ul.Wejchertów 20, Tychy,Polska

      Budapest II. Kerületi II. Rákóczi Ferenc Gimnázium

      Keleti Károly u. 37,  Budapest, 1024, Hungary

      1 1 Let's break the ice. (Event–Public) Budapest, Hungary (Event–Public), Budapest, HU


      When visiting Budapest, Hungarian school will organize workshops when students from both countries will work in mixed national groups on collection of songs, poems, sketches, short plays etc. written by English speaking authors or students themselves. The objective of their work will be preparation of scripts of short miniplays. Each stage of the activity requires the use of various forms of work. Students will work under the guidance of experienced and professional teachers from Poland and Hungary (teachers of English, teachers of national languages, IT specialists, teachers - experts on theater theory). The language used during the visit is English. Hungarian school will organize a sightseeing tour around the Budapest and visits to the local places of interest.

      2 Let's MISHMASH together and celebrate International Theatre Day (Event–Public), Tychy, Poland (Event–Public), Tychy, PL


      When visiting Tychy, the same international groups of students during the workshops will prepare and display their productions (miniplays) on the stage. Polish school will organize a theatre and language festival for other schools in the region with the participation of Polish and Hungarian troupes presenting their work. The cooperation will be summed up by on-line and schools' corridors photo exhibition , showing the work on the project. The presentations will be recorded and composed into a short film. Students will work under the guidance of experienced and professional teachers from Poland and Hungary (teachers of English, teachers of national languages, IT specialists, teachers - experts on theater theory). The language used during the visit is English. Polish school will organize a sightseeing tour around the city and visits to the local places of interest.